
Healthy, Easy, Family meals and Nutrition

This workshops will help you be able to find and identify the best ingredients, and to plan your menus in order to prepare the healthiest, easiest, family meals in your everyday life. 

They always include an introductory presentation followed by a discussion on the topic of the session, then a hands-on preparation and a full meal.

All recipes are sugar, gluten and dairy free and prepared with the finest, freshest organic ingredients available.

The language of the workshop will be french or english, depending on the group.



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Voici les différents programmes pour la saison 2018/19

a. Les Bases de la Cuisine Nutrilicious:

  • jeudis midi (11h à 14h): le11/10, le 8/11, le 6/12 et le 17/1/19   Prix 200 euro

b. La Cuisine Nutrilicious Approfondie

  • mardis midi (11h à 14h): le 9/10, le 6/11, le 4/12 et le 15/1/19 Prix 200 euro

c. Les Cours de Spécialisation

  • les sauces, mardi 23/10 de 11h à 14h 

  • Snacks/lunch-box, mardi 12/2/19 de 11h à 14h

  • Sweets, mardi 12/3/19 de 11h à 14h

  • les Poissons, mardi 30/4/19 de 11h à 14h

Prix 200 euro


You may also book a private workshop for you and a group of friends to learn about a particular topic, or just to celebrate around healthy food in a nice relaxed  ambience.

I'll also organize workshops for teens during the year, but don't hesitate to create your own group and contact me for a date. A smoothie workshop can be a lot of fun!

Contact me for a professional Team Building so we can discuss the different options.